The Fight to Defend Long-Term and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Parity, Out-of-Network Benefits, and Insurance Companies
December 1, 2015
Panelists: Rachel Fernbach, Esq., June Feder, PhD, Bob Raymond, PhD
Moderators: David Gutman, MD and Juliette Meyer, PhD
For those of us in private practice with patients who are in long-term dynamic psychotherapy or psychoanalysis, parity and the availability of out-of-network benefits are vital. Health insurance plans under The Affordable Care Act do not include any out-of-network benefits at all, and insurance companies are increasingly limiting and even eliminating out-of-network coverage. At the same time, insurance companies are requiring reviews of clinical treatment records even if the clinician is an out-of-network provider. How are the APA and NYSPA trying to deal with these increasing problems? What is parity? What are some of the legal issues? What legislation is pending in Albany and how can we influence it? And how can clinicians advocate for their individual patients directly with insurance companies to ensure that long-term treatment continues to be reimbursed?
Rachel Fernbach, June Feder and Bob Raymond discuss these questions and educate about this impending threat.
Rachel Fernbach, Esq. is the Deputy Director and Assistant General Counsel for the New York State Psychiatric Association and an associate attorney at Moritt Hock & Hamroff.
June Feder, PhD is a licensed psychologist in private practice in New York City. She is currently the New York representative to the Council of the American Psychological Association and serves on NYSPA’s Executive and Insurance Committees.
Bob Raymond, PhD is a psychologist and psychoanalyst with over 30 years experience treating individuals in long term psychodynamic therapy and psychoanalysis. He practices in New York and New Jersey.